Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Briarcliff Rotary, President, Win Awards at Rotary District Conference

The Rotary Club of Briarcliff Manor was given the District Governor's citation for community service for the year 2012-13. "This Citation is Awarded with Deep Appreciation in Honor and Recognition of this Club's Outstanding Record in Community Service, especially in relation to its sponsorship of an ElderAct Club," the citation read. 
In addition, Briarcliff Rotary President Krishnan Chittur was given the District Peace Award for 2012-13. This award was "for exemplifying Rotary's commitment to the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace."  President Chittur had organized a highly acclaimed "Friendship Exchange" with Bangalore, India.
Read further in Pleasantville-BriarcliffPatch HERE.