Saturday, June 25, 2016

June 13 2016 Briar Crier

1865: The Statue of Liberty arrived in the New York Harbor aboard a French

MEETING LEADER: President Scott Lanoff


GUEST: Justin Kim (via Eric)

PLEDGE; Scott     SONG: Sy        PRAYER: Sean

Scott, Thanks to Mark Seiden for his $contribution and for coming, and a
friend has terminal cancer
Dr. Bob Maher, ($10) his son got married last year, plus details re dinner
of June 24 (next Friday) Installation Gala by Scott
Eric, ($20) (Bob Maher) did a wonderful job at Captain Lawrence's Elmsford
Brewery on June 14 in the evening, the club netted between $1000-1500,
plus the fellowship there, he has a guest (Justin Kim) from Bronxville, he
is unhappy that Pocantico lost a favored administrator, his daughter went to Pocantico school
Anne is happy to be a great grandmother, which includes three
grandchildren, one boy and two girls - triplets,  they just graduated from high school
Rich is happy
Bishop John is happy about this wonderful country

Rachel re 1.5 km run. We will have the Installation Gala next Friday, come
at 3pm for dinner and appetizers and cocktails, Installation Dinner
already paid for, Guests at $50 each, do NOT come at 12:15 on Friday since
there will be no meeting in regular room, we will meet for Installation
Gala in regular room, Paul Rosen will attend.

SPEAKER, Richard Blank, Esquire, 

He went to elementary and high school in
Yonkers, then earned a BS. in chemistry and biology at Albany State, then
finished at Pace University in White Plains with a Juris Doctor degree.
He is with a small firm and specializes in intellectual property which
includes patents, trademarks and copyrights, mostly re software, which he
did prior to being a lawyer. He was active as a lawyer in a case against
Disney. The U.S. government does not understand intellectual property. See
the Alice case in the U.S. Supreme Court. Has to be done physically.  A
patent application involves a long and expensive process. In China, the
dictatorship is quick to enforce a patent held valid, but not the U.S. Re
drugs, normally a long period of testing, then file but now first to file.
Einstein said invention is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration.

We normally meet at The Briar's restaurant on North State Road around
12:15 (except this Friday, when we meet at 3PM for Installation Gala). For
more details call 914-762-0111

TEXT: Elinor with Sy as helper

Friday, June 17, 2016

June 10, 2016 Briar Crier

                         THIS TIME IN HISTORY
1942: The Federal Government started withholding income tax from paychecks.


GUESTS: Gene Rudolph (via Scott), Bob Lanoff, Marissa and Andrea Lanoff (via Scott)

PLEDGE: Scott     SONG: Sy       PRAYER: Bishop John

Scott: Welcome to Lanoff family, Bob, and Andrea and neice Marissa, 
read Object of Rotary and re June 14 event at Elmsford Brewery,
June 14, includes all you can drink (beer and wine), food, entertainment
(magic), cost $50 per person, plus Installation Gala June 24, starting at
3 at The Briar's, includes dinner (covered by dues) so there is no meeting
at 12:15
Eric, welcome to our guests, the Lanoff  family
Dr. Bob Maher, jobs at St. Christophers, call 10-3, but they don't pay much
Anne re guests and her grandson is graduating from high school and going
to SUNY at Purchase
Rebecca re the Ossining Village Fair, 10-5, on Saturday
Rich, re high school
Mark J. to Laura-Lee Sports $200 for cookstoves
Bishop John re the guests
Gene (guest) is a retired court reporter from Brooklyn Federal Court

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Re Installation Gala on June 24, via Scott, see above, via
Rachel, the Village Offices will be open from 8:30 to 5, usually, but on
Friday only 8:30 to 12. Via Eric, re June 14 get-to-gether at Captain
Lawrence, Elmsford Brewery, see above via Scott, via Bob Maher, we have
$1-2000 for donations.

SPEAKER -- Mr. Amir Assad, went to elementary and high school in
California, then an A.B. in computer science at Northrup and an M.A. in
administration at UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles).

                     SUMMARY OF TALK
He left California because he could not say "No", married to Angela, his
parents left Persia in 1973 and went to California, he was born in Persia,
which had various empires, for many years, one of which did not include
modern day Iraq and Syria, under Alexander, mostly Shia in Iran now, and
Teheran (Persia) is much older than U.S.   (The speaker has provided Youtube
link of the video he presented at the meeting.

TEXT, Elinor, with helper Sy

This Friday, June 17, we have as a speaker Richard Blank, Esquire on

We normally meet at The Briar's restaurant, on North State Road, for
luncheon around 12:15. For more details call 914-762-0111.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

June 3, 2016 Briar Crier

1897: Mark Twain was quoted by the New York Journal as saying, from
London, that "the report of my death was an exaggeration."

MEETING LEADER: President Scott Lanoff

PLEDGE: Scott    SONG: Sy       PRAYER: Bishop John for "Rabbi" Rich


GUEST: Roger Swanson (a Rotarian from Peekskill & Rotary "Youth Exchange" Expert)
             Richard Couch (Scott's Friend)

  • Elinor: ($5) She went to Cornell in Ithaca and had dinner with three generations of Cornellians, herself, son and grandson who just graduated
  • Bishop John: He is a notary
  • Beth: Her daughter is on the way to Spain with a Rotary scholarship
  • Anne: She is very happy to be a great grandmother
  • Roger is happy to be here
  • Mark J: re Cookstove Project and wrote article - published materials
  • Vic: Has fifth grandson
  • Eric: ($5) reminds us of Briarcliff Club fundraiser at Captain Lawrence Brewery, Elmsford, NY, Tuesday, June 14th at 6PM - PLEASE COME, RSVP and build attedance for this important fundraiser: $50 per person, which includes live entertainment, food, and
    beer and wine (all you can drink), fun and prizes, RSVP to Eric at 914-924-3596,
  • Eric's son's team in baseball came in 3rd out of 51 teams!!!
  • Rich: re kids
  • Ken: re Sunday get-to-gether at Lutheran Church in Briarcliff
  • Lou: is very busy helping people
  • Scott: Roger's visit, Friend Richard Couch, recognizing President's visit to Hiroshima 
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Eric via Captain Lawrence, see above; Lou's birthday is
tomorrow (via Scott), Gil Reavill, our speaker, will autograph his book;
Rachel, tomorrow is the rubbish day at Congregational Church

SPEAKER: Gil Reavill on the Appalachin Summit. He went to elementary and high school in Wisconsin. Then a B.A. in English at the University of Colorado.


He wrote a book on the summit of national gangsters at Appalachin, New York near Binghamton. There was a hero from State Police and the victims all showed up in big cars, some were caught but did not know what to charge them with, but most later convicted of a conspiracy. That left Luciano as national head of gangsters.

TEXT: Elinor with helper Sy.

Upcoming Meeting Schedule:
  • This FRIDAY, June 10, 2016 (tomorrow) we have Mr. Amir Asadi on Iran's history
  • Next FRIDAY, June 17, 2016 Richard Mark Blank, Esquire on "Inventions"
  • Following Friday at 3PM, June 24, 2016 Briarcliff Rotary Installation Gala at The Briars

We meet every Friday at The Briars restaurant on North State Road at 12:00 -12:15P for lunch. For details please call 914-762-0111.

Monday, June 6, 2016

May 27, 2016 Briar Crier

2016: Pulitzer-prize-winning novelist Herman Wolk is 101.

MEETING LEADER: President Scott Lanoff

PLEDGE: Scott   SONG: Sy     PRAYER: Bishop John


GUEST: Amir Asadi

ANNE: ($3) Atria Garden need more high school Interact volunteers,
attended 70 awards at high school, and enjoyed Scott' son's bar mitzvah
ASADI: To be school helpful
ERIC: ($20) Gave two scholarships to HS seniors and wife reached 42 and he
is happy at St. Christopher's
SCOTT: Ossining Rotary has fundraising event June 16 at GE, Captain
Lawrence Rotary fundraiser on June 14, Memorial Day Parade on May 30, need
leaders (Elinor and Sy will be coming home from Cornell), Mothers' Day
Briarcliff Rotary was very successful thank you
HELEN LYNCH is happy to be here
KEN: ($10) his house sold via Eric, likes Internet and will be living in
RICH: Allowed open house after haircut
MARK J: in Tulsa and is glad to be back.

SPEAKER: Past District Governor Helen Lynch on Rotary International, a
member of Yonkers Rotary, went to elementary and high school in Manhattan
and Pace for two years.

                            SUMMARY OF TALK
Represented District in Chicago and attended Council on Legislation with
Benedetti, with many legislations withdrawn, but given a manual and red,
green, yellow and blue cards to vote, voted on Dues, had breakfast at 6:30
and lunch at 12:30, was in Chicago for a week, Polio still a problem, and
how Bermudas Rotary included in our district.

TEXT: Elinor with Sy as helper

This coming Friday we have Gil Reavill who will speak on the Mafia.

We meet every Friday for luncheon, around 12:15, at The Briar's restaurant
on North State Road. For more details call 914-762-0111.