June 5, 2013. Meeting of Briarcliff Manor Rotary Club at Mt. Kisco Rotary Club at Mt. Kisco Holiday Inn
1933: The United States went off the gold standard
MEETING LEADER -- Rotarian Zarir K. Batha of the Bangalore (India) Rotary Club
PLEDGE Paul Rosen SONG Welcome by Mt. Kisco Rotarians led by President Lisi Babon PRAYER Ron Grandberg
ANNOUNCEMENTS 11 Briarcliff Rotarians present. (The Installation Dinner is Monday, June 24 at Orfino's at 6:30 pm.)
Speaker and Subject: Rotarian Zarir Batha of the Bangalore Rotary Club on peace through service.
The Bangalor Rotary Club has over 200 members. The club operates its own hospital and does not charge patients. India has been polio free for three years. He wants all of its members to be Peace Fellows and to follow their faith.
Friday Bangladesh Projects by Dr. Rahman. Also Briarcliff High School seniors who received our Rotary scholarships.
Elinor Yuter, Reporter
Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter