Friday, September 21, 2012

September 14, 2012 Briar Crier


September 14th  12:15 at Briar's Restaurant, Briarcliff Manor NY Rotary Club

1927 – Modern dance pioneer, Isadora Duncan, died in Nice, France, when her scarf became entangled in a wheel of a sports car she was riding in.

Meeting Leader – President Kris Chittur

PLEDGE -  Sy Yuter  PATRIOTIC SONG – Sy Yuter  INVOCATION –  Bishop John

HAPPY THOUGHTS – Zen – won’t be here next week due to the happy event of his Grandson’s Bar Mitzvah;  Mark – 3 closings today;  Scott – going to a Broadway show;  Rick – no car towed.


ANNOUNCEMENTS – Rachel announced that her literacy grant proposal was accepted and through the Mahopac National Bank, the Briarcliff Manor Public Library, Children’s Library will be awarded $800.00

SPEAKER AND SUBJECT – Greg Arcaro – District Governor 7230

Summary of talk by District Governor

Our district governor complimented us on our beautiful meeting place.  There are four things that are important in individual clubs. Friendship and service is underlying what we do in our own club.  We should make a difference.  Community Day is a good example.  Leadership is showing that our club exists and helps our community be a better community. Individual chapters count more than International Rotary. Rotary is in 150 countries.  Rotary Clubs exist in Egypt and Afghanistan, for example.  Some come to meetings to see other members. It is good to support interact club.  We will attract new members because our meetings are a pleasurable place to be. 

Today, Friday – Health and stress – Gil Chimes

Elinor Yuter, Reporter
Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter