Saturday, November 14, 2015

November 6, 2015 Briar Crier

Briercrier for Nov. 6

                              This Day in History
1944: President Franklin D. Roosevelt won his fourth term in office
defeating Republican Thomas E. Dewey.

Club Meeting Leader: President Scott Lanoff

Pledge: Stanley Thompson   Song: Sy and Anne   Prayer: Bishop John

Guests: Charles Dumas (from Mahopac bank and future member), Frank Danza
(via speaker) and Stanley Thompson (future member)

Rotarians Present: 16

Happy Thoughts
Lou: Don't forget basketball game tonight with Magic Masters. (It was a
big success and we made a lot of money)
Maher ($10) has tickets for basketball game and we haven't lost wisdom
Eric ($20) is happy re Rachel re the community and is his son's ninth
Bishop John is happy that his granddaughter passed the bar
Anne is happy about her last week's birthday celebration by club and for
Atria garden
Kris is happy that Mark J. is going to Africa re cook stoves.
Stanley is very happy and for Magic Masters
Scott is happy re Mark J. going to Africa and for successful basketball
game and Saturday at the UN
Mark S. is happy re Nov. 14 olive opera event in Ossining
Rich is just happy
Sean is happy.

Speaker is Michael (Bip) Weitzman on mental health (the Three Amigos of
Mental Health Disorders) who was raised in New City, Rockland County where
he went to elementary and high school and then a B.A. from Suny at New
Paltz in speech communication.

                         Summary of Talk
Has 18 and 21 girls and is divorced. The reason he is here is to educate,
motivate, inspire, share and be humorous re bipolar disorders, which is a
terrible epidemic with much suffering.  He is a member of the National
Alliance of Mental Illnesses, the Depression Bipolar Support Alliance and
the Mental Health Association. He performed standup comedy with props. He
prefers to be called Bip. Robin Williams just gave up. He has  been to the
hospital many times. There is a fear of coming out of the closet with
bipolar disorder, mostly depression.  You can use help, usually a
psychiatrist who knows what he is doing and a social worker. You have to
have fun and get rid of the stigma.

Text from Elinor with Helper, Sy

This Friday we are scheduled to have the CEO of Phelps Memorial Hospital,
Daniel Blum, to give us an update re Phelps.

We meet every Friday at 12:15 at The Briar's Restaurant in Briarcliff.