Sunday, December 7, 2014

Dec. 5, 2014 Briar Crier

December 5,  2014 , Friday, 12:15,  The Briar's Restaurant meeting of the Briarcliff Manor Rotary Club.

                                                                TODAY IN HISTORY
1791: Composer Wolfgang Mozart died in Vienna, Austria.  

MEETING LEADER: President Eric Lebenson

PLEDGE:  Rachel       SONG: Sy        PRAYER:  Ernie



HAPPY THOUGHTS: Sean ($5) on electric watch; Anne, her daughter now a pre-k coordinator; Ken, is happy to be back; Richard is happy; Kris, got boiler going again; Mark is just happy; Dr. Bob Maher ($10) that his kids will be in the movie Birdman; Jim is happy; Rachel is happy that everyone happy;  and other happy thoughts not correctly recorded.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dr. Bob Maher, Treasurer, the Magic Masters game was a great success and we have about  $18,000 but that includes cost of food; Eric, we made about $5000 from sales of ads for  Magic Masters game; Ernie, grapefruits should be here (in old meeting place)e and each Rotarian should take five cartons (at $20 each) but each Rotarian is responsible for giving our club $100 irrespective of how many cartons are sold;

Speaker:  Dr. Sy Yuter on Mideast Update

                                                                  SUMMARY OF TALK
Israel will have new elections March 17 since Prime Minister Netanyahu fired finance (Yair Lapid) and Justice ministers so now has a coalition with less that more than half of the Knesset (Parliament) of 120 members. Both Netanyahu and Lapid will be running for Prime Minister in a new government. Obama favors Lapid and is against Netanyahu. Our government (Obama) has been air bombing the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) targetable positions in Syria and Iraq and has increased American soldiers to train Iraqi , Kurd and Afghan soldiers to fight the IS and Taliban fighters but not to conduct fighting.  Iraq soldiers were led by friends of Shia Prime Minister Maliki, so they were not effective (they retreated from Mosul, the second largest Iraq city) since their leadership were not military trained but just politicians who backed Maliki. Now have a new Iraqi Prime Minister who has removed the Iraqi army political leadership so hopefully the retrained Iraqi army will retake Mosul. .

Next FRIDAY AT THE BRIAR'S our speaker will be Janis Knorr from Atria on Senior Living.

Elinor Yuter, Reporter

Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter