Wednesday, August 20, 2014
August 15, 2014 Briar Crier
August 15,
2014, at The Briar's Restaurant, of Briarcliff Manor Rotary
Club Meeting.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the Social
Security Act into law.
LEADER: President Eric Lebenson
Pledge: Mark
Johnson Song: Sy Yuter Prayer:
Bishop John
PRESENT AND HAPPY THOUGHTS: 16 Rotarians present. Happy
Thoughts: Ken, spent time in South Korea and visited briefly North
Korea just north of the demilitarized zone; Jenny Doane is happy to
be with us; So is our speaker. Plus other happy thoughts not
completely recorded.
GUESTS: George
Camp of Ossining Rotary, Jenny Doane, a Rotary member, and Sam
Lanoff, Scott's son.
in good condition via Treasurer Dr. Bob Maher; New American flag
via Jim Lupfer; UN day is Nov. 1 and tickets are available; Community
Day is September 6 but we will do no cooking; Magic Masters on Sept.
18; joint meeting with other Rotary Clubs at Mount Kisco Rotary on
Sept. 18.
AND SUBJECT: Cap't D. C. Anderson, U.S. Coast Guard, on
Climate Change. He was raised in Connecticut and received an MBA from
SUNY at Fort Schyler.
of years ago carbon dioxide (CO2) was in the air and ended up
underground in the form of coal and oil. Between China and India,
they are building coal burning electric generator plants so battle
against the warming of the globe from CO2 in the atmosphere is
already lost. Our leaders do not publicly announce a position on
global warming but will follow the people if the people make such a
demand that it impacts on our leaders. The Captain made a plea for
the people making such a demand. Most of our members thought
there was global warming, with the Arctic ice slowly melting, but at
least one member (Dr. Amsterdam) challenged that assumption.
Friday at The Briar's Restaurant. A movie on the low rate of
return of ex-prisoners in maximum security prisons who receive
Masters degrees.
Yuter, Reporter
Leihbacher, Expediter