Saturday, November 30, 2013

November 22, 2013 Briar Crier

 Nov. 22, Friday, 12:15, The Briar's Restaurant, Briarcliff Manor Rotary Club.

                                                                            TODAY IN HISTORY

1963: President John F. Kennedy was shot to death during a motorcade in Dallas by suspect Lee Harvey Oswald.

MEETING LEADER: President Anne Cargill

PLEDGE: Anne Cargill      SONG: Sy Yuter      PRAYER: Bishop John

HAPPY THOUGHTS:  Dr. Bob Maher, Have a very Happy Thanksgiving and a special congrats to Pres. Anne on winning the District Grant; Sy, mistakenly ordered dozen of 81/2 X 11 yellow pads, instead of sending back donated them to Rotary; Eric, two million dollar listing in Wall Street Journal; Eric, his son won Pocantico school prize; Dr. Bob Amsterdam, redesigned Pocantico logo from what looked like a pigeon to a hawk.
ROTARIAN PRESENT AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: 19 Rotarians present. Ernie, grapefruits will be in and each member responsible for at least five cartons; Rachel, turkey trot 5K walk. Art Auction Saturday on Dec. 7 at 7:00 pm at Briarcliff library.

GUEST: Linda Clements, guest of Anne.

SPEAKER AND SUBJECT: Jeffrey Duquense on Client Magnets

                                                                             SUMMARY OF TALK

Jeffrey Duquense is a New York-based entrepreneur, coach and Learning Channel keynote speaker. He is the author of the forthcoming book "Are You Turning Your People Into Client Magnets?" It  is most important that you present your customers with a very friendly and personal approach. Customer service is a philosophy

Elinor Yuter, Reporter
Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter