Thursday, October 3, 2013

September 27, 2013 Briar Crier

September 27, 2013 – Friday 12:15, The Briar's Restaurant, Briarcliff Manor Rotary Club.

                                                            TODAY IN HISTORY

1779: John Adams was named by Congress to negotiate the Revolutionary War peace terms with Britain.

MEETING LEADER –  President Anne Cargill

PLEDGE – Anne Cargill   PATRIOTIC SONG – Sy Yuter   PRAYER - Paul Rosen

HAPPY THOUGHTS AND BUCKS: Bishop John is happy to see Paul Rosen; Dr. Bob Maher is happy that his school's marching band was at Community Day; Eric Lebenson happy treated as president-elect of our club; Ken Shimazu happy that going to see his son in Japan.

GUEST:  Patrick Hermance, guest of Anne.

ROTARIANS PRESENT AND ANNOUNCEMENTS - 20 Rotarians present. Happy Birthday Paul Rosen.
Board Meeting will be at Atria noon on Friday October 11. Thursday, October 10 the club will meet with the Pleasantville Club at the Riviera Restaurant in Pleasantville at 12:15.

Two motions were made which occupied most of the meeting so Mrs. Jain did not speak on nutrition. The notifications are:

The current members will have the opportunity to vote in writing to elect this year’s President-elect.  The slate of nominated members will be presented to the current members, and also voted upon, at the October 18, 2013 regularly scheduled Rotary Friday meeting as long as there will be a quorum present of 10 or more current members.
Motion #1: On Sept. 27th, 2013, a motion was presented by Paul Rosen, seconded by Mark Seiden, to replace the three absent/resigned past incorporators of the Briarcliff Manor Rotary Foundation with the following slate of candidates: "Ken Shimazu, Mark Seiden and Bishop John Herzog.”  The selected three then, with Paul Rosen and Ernie Pacchiana, become the five Trustees of the Briarcliff Manor Rotary Foundation.
Motion #2: On  Sept. 27th, 2013, a motion was presented by Anne Cargill,  seconded by Kris Chittur,  to replace the three absent/resigned past incorporators of the Briarcliff Manor Rotary Foundation with the following slate of candidates: "Kris Chittur, Anne Cargill and Scott Lanoff.”  The selected three then, with Paul Rosen and Ernie Pacchiana, become the five Trustees of the Briarcliff Manor Rotary Foundation.
The current members will have the opportunity to vote in writing to select one of the slate of candidates presented by the two competing motions. The vote will be held on Friday, October 18th at our regularly scheduled Rotary meeting as long as there will be a quorum present of 10 or more current members.
Sy Yuter on October 18 will provide each of the current members (who have paid their dues) with a white paper on which each current member will write his/her name, the selected president-elect and which of the two motions each supports.
This Friday, October 4, 12:15 at Maya Riviera Restaurant two stores north of The Briar's Restaurant --  Lynn Yen on the Revival of Classical Music in Schools.
Elinor Yuter, Reporter
Rachel Leihbacher, Expedite