Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October 12, 2012 Briar Crier


October 12, 2012 at The Briar's Restaurant, Briarcliff Manor NY Rotary Club


1446 – The Korean alphabet created from the age of King Sejong was first published.

Meeting Leader – President Kris Chittur

PLEDGE -  Sy Yuter  PATRIOTIC SONG – Sy Yuter  INVOCATION –  Dr. Bob Maher

HAPPY THOUGHTS – Dr. Bob Maher became a grandfather; Eric Lebenson – Interact with Briarcliff High School; Speaker – try to have 100% membership, Paul Harris Fellows; Zen – volunteering at VA hospital.

GUESTS – Mark Seiden’s son, Ben, home from University of Miami, Fla.

ANNOUNCEMENTS – 18 Rotarians present 

SPEAKER AND SUBJECT – David De Monte – District Governor Nominee

Summary of Talk

Our speaker is a member of the Rotary Club of New York City.  Rotary is relationships.  Rotary must have relationships with schools.  Every Rotarian should contribute some amount of money every year to their club. RYLA is the Rotary Youth Leadership Award which will give our youth a lifetime memory of team building, leadership skills and friendships.  The four way test speech contest will help build public speaking skills.  The Rotaract Club is for people 18 to 30 years of age.  The Interact Club is for middle and high school programs. The Rotary Youth Exchange will give our youth lifetime experiences. 

Friday – Mike Scovie – Green Mountain Energy

Elinor Yuter, Reporter
Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter