Computer for Expanded Briarcliff Library
High School Safe Rides
Fire Department Safety House
Briarcliff Village Clock
Community Soccer for Children
Ossining Children’s Center & Westchester & Phelps Hospitals
Mother's Day Celebration for Senior Citizen Moms
International efforts to combat blindness & polio
International Projects to Provide Clean Water (Wells in Africa)
Scholarships for Americans doing International Study Aid To Disaster Victims at Home and Abroad.
Truck Day
Community Day Food Tent
Grapefruit Sales
Annual Harlem Magic Masters Basketball Game
- Guest speakers at our weekly meetings, booking more than 40 speakers on a wide range of interesting topics from the Iran bomb, history of the Hudson River to an actual heart transplant.
- “Holiday Hearts” club Party to encourage club camaraderie. Very well attended.
- Haiti-ShelterBox donation: Bought five boxes. Raised $5,000 - Sent a full color flyer-insert into the “Pennysaver” which went to over 17,000 homes and businesses. Received full donations from the professional ad designer, the printer and the “Pennysaver” for distribution. Therefore, 100% of all the donations went to purchasing the boxes. Absolutely no administrative costs were involved. $500 of the donation came from the Interact Club in the Briarcliff High School. Our Rotary Club matched their $500.
- “Harlem Magic Masters” Basketball Game against the Briarcliff Manor High School Teachers. - Raised $900 towards Briarcliff Manor Rotary Club Scholarships.
- Club Auction event – raised over $600. Members of the club brought in items and also collected gift certificates or items from the local community to auction at this event. It was a very fun meeting.
- Grapefruit sales – earned over $2,000 for our general donations.
- “Truck Day” fund-raiser raises approximately $500 for our general donation fund. (Weather permitting, of course.)
- Ossining Food Pantry. Ongoing collections of non-perishable foods that are donated monthly to our local pantry that reaches out to more than 800 households per month. As of date, we have donated hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of food.
- “Community Day” of Briarcliff Manor where we supply all the food and beverage for the entire Village Sponsored event. Earn approximately $2,000 for our general donation fund.
- Sweater/Coat drive in November where we collected over 1,000 pieces of clothing.
- Briarcliff Manor Beautification Project –Benches – Raised thousands of dollars from the sale of benches that were installed all around Law Park and the main street in the Briarcliff Manor Village.
- Briarcliff Manor Beautification Project –Trees – Raised thousands of dollars by selling “trees” that were planted all around Law Park.
- Polio Plus: submitted $2,000 to the Rotary Foundation.
- Phelp’s Memorial Hospital and Medical Center, Sleepy Hollow, NY “Nursing Promise Program” - $1,000.
- St. Christopher’s Art’s Festival, Dobbs Ferry, NY - $1,000.
- Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison – Ossining, NY Sing Sing Prison: $400 for graduation robes.
- Mahopac National Bank Literacy Grant donation sent on behalf of the Briarcliff Manor Rotary Club to the Briarcliff Manor Library – Materials to assist in computer literacy - $664.
- Briarcliff Manor Library Annual “Schools’ Out,” Summer Reading Kick-off Party - $350.
- We also serve the Popcorn and Cotton Candy to all the children (parents too!).
- Briarcliff Manor High School Scholarships - $1,500 plus an additional $500 grant from the Superintendant of the Briarcliff Manor School System.
- Rotary Club of Cortlandt Manor charter gift of the “Object of Rotary” and “The Four Ways Test” banners that were prominently displayed at their charter dinner.
- Mother’s Day Luncheon inviting over 50 “elderly residents” of a local “elder care home” to be fed and entertained by an orchestra from the Briarcliff Manor High School.
- Participation by Briarcliff Manor Rotary club members walking in the Briarcliff Manor Village Memorial Day Parade displaying our Rotary Club banner.
- Briarcliff Manor Glee Club - $500.
- Safe Rides Program of Briarcliff Manor – A student-run program to provide safe rides home to high school students who find themselves in an unsafe situation - $500.
- Briarcliff Manor School District DARE Program – A program to educate students on the danger of drugs and alcohol - $1,000.
- Bernhard Nordcamp Children’s Center, Windhock, Namibia, Africa, Mary Beth Gallagher– $500.
- To provide books and school uniforms for poor children who would otherwise not be able to attend school.
- African Well Water Project – Funded digging of wells in Africa for drought ridden areas.
- Sponsored the Rotary International Fellowship Winner (a Briarcliff Manor resident) where the recipient of the award received thousands of dollars for a scholarship abroad. Studied Autism and Music in England and Australia.