October 2, 2009
“I hate housework! You make the beds, you do the dishes—and six months later,
you have to start all over again.”
--Joan Rivers
On October 2nd, 1928, the ongoing Taxicab War in Chicago increased in intensity, when two rival Yellow Cab garages were dynamite-bombed. Both companies stayed tight-lipped about the on-going feud.
(But both were secretly very, very put out.)
MEETING OPENING: Our meeting was opened promptly at 12:15 pm. President Mark
Seiden was not present. It is rumored that he was out beating the bushes for home-buyers. However, Paul Rosen leaped into the breach and performed the Opening with great élan and dignity..
SALUTE TO OUR FLAG, PATRIOTIC ANTHEM, AND PRAYER: The Salute to Our Flag was rendered heroically by Sy Yuter, the ever-ready Paul Rosen led us in a rousing patriotic number, and Bishop John held us all in awe with his plea to The Almighty for mercy, forgiveness, and a pleasant Fall.
PRESIDENTIAL COMMENTS: Temporary Chief Executive Paul Rosen welcomed visiting Rotarian Tom Guinness and heaped lavish praise on Antonia Conte, who was celebrating a birthday. Antonia is ever-young and ever-lovely.
MEMBERS’ OBSERVATIONS: Various Rotary members expressed great relief that Community Day was over, Geraldine Mahoney distributed handsome and useful Library bags. And we were reminded that new ID badges await all members in good standing. Ernie Pacchiana noted that the Rotary “take” was not as bountiful as last year’s, but not bad, all things considered. Free pumpkins were announced as available. And Julio Salazar was heartily welcomed back into the fold.
NEXT WEEK’S SPEAKER: There will be no official speaker next week. Instead, we
shall gather here at the Rec. Center to break bread with our cousins, the Pleasantville Rotarians, in celebration of the Briarcliff –Pleasantville football classic.
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THIS WEEK’S SPEAKER: Our speaker this week was our own Mike Risko. Mike, head of the Ossining Music Center, gave us all a music lesson, passing out an Open-String-and Moveable-Chords-Chart, and then leading us all in loud, boisterous, and extremely funky version of God-Knows-What. (I was so stunned by the mass musicality of our little group that I was rendered temporarily unconscious.)
It was great fun, and a reminder that some are meant to play a musical instrument and some are meant to applaud.
Mike Risko is a great addition to our club. He is greatly admired and much appreciated.
Thank you, Mike, for a happy half-hour.
THE DRAWING: The results of the weekly drawing were so depressing that I absolutely refuse to comment. The only good news was that Bishop John may have been one of the winners. Bu then again….
THE CONCLUSION OF OUR MEETING: Our weekly meeting ended precisely at 1:30 pm., when Etrusca Consentino was shot out of a cannon.
Respectfully submitted by
Recording Secretary, Don Wilde
10/2/09 Attendance - Robert Amsterdam, Frances Chu, Antonia Conte, Zachary Cosentino, Dean Dykeman, Zenith Eidel, Rodney Ertischek, Peter Garth, John Herzog, Rachel Leihbacher, Shelley Lotter, Robert Maher, Geraldine Mahoney, Ernest Pacchiana, Mike Risko, Paul Rosen, Julio Salazar, Ken-Ichi Shimazu, Donald Wilde, Elinor Yuter, Sy Yuter