Sunday, May 31, 2009


Friday, May 29th, 2009


On May 29th, in the year 1937, horse-show jumper Alwin Schockemoble was born.
(I know you’re not interested in this, but it’s fun to write “Schockemoble.”)


A husband, in heated discussion with his wife, always has the last words.

They are: “Yes, dear.”

OPENING OF THE MEETING: Our weekly meeting was opened precisely at 12:17, to the sound of loud foot-stomping and a colorful fireworks display.

THE OPENING CEREMONIES: A stirring Salute to Our Flag was led by Mark Seiden,
Sy Yuter stood proudly front and center for the singing of our National Anthem, and the Rev. Lee lifted our spirits with an inspiring appeal to our Maker for understanding and a modicum of mercy.

PRESIDENT’S REMARKS, HAPPY THOUGHTS, AND MEMBERS’ INSIGHTFUL OBSERVATIONS: President Fulfree opened with an introduction of our guests, Frances Chu followed with a reminder of Asian-American Day, which will take place at the site of the Kensico Dam, from noontime onward, tomorrow, May 30, and Sy Yuter rose to thank President Fulfree and fellow Rotary members for their participation in last weekend’s parade and festivities. Mr. Fulfree came back to remind us of our monthly Board Meeting this coming week, Gerry Mahoney announced the Annual End-of-School Celebration, which will take place in Law Park this weekend, Father John followed with a reminder of a Tour of Gardens, coming soon, and Zen Eidel delighted us by outlining the musical festivities that will occur at Copeland House on June 28th.

As for Happy Thoughts, Ms. Mahoney--just returned from Dublin, Ireland--said she was saddened ( I thought these were Happy Thoughts!) by her failure to attend a Rotary Meeting there, and Shelly Lotter joyously announced that there will be an Open House at The Club on June 25th, and threatened to no longer speak to those who declined to attend

NEXT WEEK: Our speaker next week will be Seth Leitman, who will enlighten our assembled Doctors on “How Green Saves Energy.”

THIS WEEK’S SPEAKER: Our speaker today was brother Mark Seiden, who spoke interestingly on “The Upcoming Rotary Year.” (He will be the incoming President, in 2009-2010. as you know.)

President-to-be Seiden laid out his plans for a dynamic year. He started by announcing the names of Board Members of our Club, and then launched into some of the details that he intends to feature in his tenure as President. Basically, he promised to get Back to Basics.

First of all, he pledged to galvinize membership in our Club: his goal is to grow our membership by at least 20%. Second, he urged Club members to get more involved in our obligations to the world community by volunteering to serve on a committee dedicated to getting things done that need to be done. We can achieve that goal by swearing--each member of Briarcliff Rotary swearing—to devote 3-to-5 hours a year to worthwhile and needed service.

There is basic work to be done, and we could not ask for a better leader to lead us to higher ground than Mark Seiden.
Bravo, Mark!


THE DRAWING: The first lottery winner was Etrusca. “Cookie” Consentino; the second lucky winner, Vladimir.

Immediately following the drawing, Bishop John barricaded himself in the men’s room in protest and refused to come out.

MEETING CONCLUSION: The meeting was adjourned at 1:32 pm, to the sorrow of all.

A lengthy mourning line quickly formed outside the building.

Submitted by
Recording Secretary, Don Wilde

5/29 Attendance - Lee Carrozzi, Frances Chu, Antonia Conte, Etrusca Cosentino, Zachary Cosentino, Zeneth Eidel, Sheldon Feiner, Marie Fuesy, Peter Fulfree, John Herzog, Eric Leberson, Rachel Leihbacher, Shelley Lotter, Geraldine Mahoney, Fiala Portnoy, Vladimir Portnoy, Paul Rosen*, Mark Seiden, Ken-Ichi Shimazu, Donald Wilde, Elinor Yuter, Sy Yuter