Thursday, March 31, 2016

March 25, 2016 Briar Crier


                          THIS DATE IN HISTORY
1956: "My Fair Lady", by Lerner and Loewe, opened.

MEETING LEADER: President Scott Lanoff

PLEDGE: Scott    SONG: Sy      PRAYER: Scott


GUESTS: Alex Lanoff (Scott's son who is now about 13), and Ellen Woods

NEW MEMBER: Laurie Racanelli from our bank

Sean re delivery to vets at Montrose
Tom Leihbacher ($5) happy to be speaker
Anne had lunch with daughter Erica, first in 25 years
Rich, daughter all better
Mark J. is happy with holiday season
Vic is happy that son came home
Eric ($5) for big brother Tom, wife and children went to Myrtle Beach
Dr. Bob Maher ($5) St. Christopher's marching band won a national award,
and for Lauri
Lauri re Ellen
Scott ($5) Alex is here, he is a future interactor, Scott liked Bermuda,
and thrilled with guests.

Next Friday: Friends Forever by Chelsea Fitton

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Kris re blood program + polio plus. Bob Maher, Treasurer,
we should have to give to charities more than $5,000, plus from another
fund raiser. Lauri Racanelli spoke.

SPEAKER: Tom Leihbacher on Make a Wish, he went to elementary and high
school in Briarcliff, then a BS at Univ. of Florida in advertising, then
an MS at Pace in teaching.
                         SUMMARY OF TALK
Thank you. He grew up in Briarcliff.

TEXT, Elinor, helper, Sy

We meet every Friday for lunch about 12:15