Friday, March 11, 2016

March.4, 2016 Briar Crier

1931: The Star Spangled Banner became our national anthem with President
Hoover signing a relevant executive order.

MEETING LEADER: President Scott Lanoff

PLEDGE: Scott    SONG: Sy     PRAYER: Anne & Bishop John

GUESTS: John Gallagher (Ossining Rotary President Elect) and Richard Blank, Esq. (via Scott)


Scott, re Richard Blank and a new member, Lauri, will join us
John G. re Sean
Sean ($5)re John Gallagher
Eric ($5) at Pace, also re Guests
Richard Blank ($5) is happy
Anne,had a nice dinner, loved the Interactors's event treating seniors to the BMHS's performance of Cinderella and Atria garden going well
Elinor, we will be getting a gray 2014 Kia Soul with wheelchair
accessibility, so will be able to continue with Rotary
Mark J., received an unexpected check
Bishop John is happy
Scott's son Sam along with other Briarcliff Sophomores are going to Bermuda later this month for RYLA
Dr. Bob Maher, ($20) Rotary History Month, his son won the Toastmaster
award for the northeast region and The St. Christopher's marching band to play at Carnegie Hall - "practice, practice, practice"
Rich, re three kisses but no hay
Lou, enjoyed Matthew talk re gifts to Club & The VA

ANNOUNCEMENTS: via Scott, Matthew Gullotta gave a present to and enjoyed
international breakfast and there will be a UN meeting with Rotaract
members attending, via Rachel, election March 15 and the pool will be
available and work progressing at Pavilion.

SPEAKER is Dave Mann, who went to elementary and high school in Chelsea,
Mass. and did not finish college when he was drafted  as a combat
engineer, put in 245th combat engineers under Patton and was wounded in
the Battle of the Bulge, where he lost most of his team,  who talked on
"WHAT I FOUGHT FOR" and sold  book of same name.

                              SUMMARY OF TALK
Dave did not talk much about his time after being sent to Europe, and
showed his Purple Heart. He landed on Omaha beach. He was wounded in head,
groin and butt. The hospital was ok. He did spend some time with a French
woman who had lost her husband and son in the war. He loves our flag and
spent time defending it.

THIS FRIDAY will have Joan Nimmo speaking on Alzheimer's Disease.

TEXT Elinor, Helper, Sy