1815: Napoleon Bonaparte escaped from exile on the Island of Elbe to
return to France in the hope that he would regain power.
MEETING LEADER: President Scott Lanoff
GUESTS: Karen Smith, the president of the Briarcliff-Scarborough
historical society and a trustee and mother of speaker, Carine Feist.
PLEDGE: Scott SONG: Sy PRAYER: Bishop John
Elinor is happy that her multiple sclerosis is better and she is stronger
Bishop John, that his wife is better
Rachel is just happy also her husband Tom will be speaking to Rotary, and with an update that the
Pavilion will not yet be re-opened when pool opens
Eric ($10) re his father's 75th birthday, also, he is a proud partner in a new realty firm that
puts the clients success before everything else
Anne, proud of her grandchildren that are doing so well
Mark J. he had needed to drive his wife back and forth to Yonkers for work and now she can
drive fortunately drive herself
Sean, is happy about prosperity and good health
Rebecca, her son has MS but is doing well and she feels a bond with the Yuter’s
Bob M., ($10) about good news from Elinor and the marching band at St.
Christopher's is doing well
Scott, he attended Rotary meeting at St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, and
enjoyed meeting, and Board supports Kris as a future district governor.
SPEAKER is Nathan Feist on stone lanterns. He was educated in elementary
school and high school in Briarcliff and has BS from Cornell in food
Nathan gave a visual history of the stone statues in Briarcliff, including
ones in front of the Congregational Church and its parish. The stone
lanterns were apparently purchased by Walter Law, the founder of
Briarcliff, from missionaries from Japan, but were originally made in China
with animal decorations which meant different things. One was originally
at The King's College. (All in all a very surprising history of the stone
statues and those in Briarcliff.)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Via Eric, the Briarcliff Bears Basketball Team are champions!
FRIDAY SPEAKER is Dave Mann who will talk about his service in the Army in
Europe during World War II, and what he fought for
unless it is snowing hard, then Sy will give an update on the Middle East,
if he and Elinor can overcome any snow.
TEXT, Elinor, helper, Sy