1904: Longacre Square in Manhattan was renamed Times Square after the New
York Times.
MEETING LEADER: President Scott Lanoff
GUESTS: Marshall Ash and Joe Randazzo (via Dr. Maher), Dr. Joseph Kessler
(via Lou) and Ellen Woods (this is her third meeting and she will become a
Rotarian and join our club), Bob Berson, Susan Singer and Janet Gallagher
PLEDGE: Scott SONG: Sy PRAYER: Bishop John
Mark J. became a grandfather
Dr. Bob Maher, Good Morning and Marshall is here
Scott ($2) current president is president elect, delighted that Erica is
here, it is Ernie's birthday (a founding member, we sing Happy Birthday).
Anne, re Ethical Culture and Erica, her daughter
Rich, to see Bishop John
Eric, next Tues, 6/14, is date for Captain Lawrence's Brewery fundraiser,
$45 per person, will include 50-50, etc. His birthday is next week.
Next Friday's speaker is Briarcliff Manor's Mayor Lori Sullivan [NOTE CHANGE BELOW]
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Via Rachel; The Mayor is coming and blood drive by Fire Dep't
SPEAKER is Erica Cargill Jones (Anne's daughter) on Good Heart Health,
went to elementary school and high school in what is now Sleepy Hollow, a
B.A in biology from Northwestern University and an M.D. from Cornell in
NYC, finishing medical work in 1992.
She talked on advanced age, family history, male gender, high cholesterol
and no smoking. Also, dying of heart disease is much more likely than
dying from breast cancer. Timing is most important, try to get to
Cardiologist in 24 hours of what believe is a heart attack. Sometimes,
indigestion and fatigue are confused with heart attack. Dentists sometimes
recognize a heart attack in time to save a life.
TEXT, Elinor; Helper is Sy
CONFIRMATION: We meet at The Briar's Restaurant, 512 North State Road,
every Friday around 12:15 for lunch. To repeat, next Friday's Speaker is
Briarcliff Manor Village Manager, Philip E. Zegarelli, who will talk about the village.