Wednesday, November 26, 2014

November 21, 2014 Briar Crier

November 21, 2014 , Friday, 12:15,  The Briar's Restaurant, meeting of the Briarcliff Manor Rotary Club.

                                                                TODAY IN HISTORY
1922: Rebecca L. Felton of Georgia was sworn in as the first woman to serve in the U.S. Senate.

MEETING LEADER: President Eric Lebenson

PLEDGE:  Zack      SONG:  Sy        PRAYER:  Bishop John Herzog


HAPPY THOUGHTS: Dr. Bob Maher  re Christine Veit, it is good to have a doctor in the house;  Scott re newest member; Sy, third facial operation re cancer but OK; Eric to have Christine and Sy as members; Anne, happy Thanksgiving; Kris, next week is a three-day week, and he had no heat but got by; Rachel that Kris's house is OK;  and other happy thoughts not correctly recorded.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christine Veit, MD becomes a Rotarian via Pres. Lebenson and sponsored by Rachel and Anne; Dr. Bob Maher, Treasurer, we have nearly $22,000 but have to stay under $25,000 to avoid a federal problem; Via Kris, April 25-27 is District Conference in Valley Forge, PA.; Rachel, the Turkey Trot is 11/28, and Christine will be ambulance driver.

Speaker: Dr. Rolande Hodel re her Cameroon medicinal factory for AIDSfree Africa.

                                                                         SUMMARY OF TALK
We have already received medical supplies from local hospitals. She goes three times a year to Cameroon, which is in West Africa and bordered by Nigeria, Chad and Central Afican Republic. There are 270 different tribes in Cameroon each with their own language but most educated Cameroons speak French and English. She communicates in English. She was raised in Potsdam Germany but did her Ph.D. in chemistry at University of Kansas. Rotary is well known in Cameroon.  She has four Cameroon children, all of whom are black. Most in Cameroon have malaria. Her clinic is far from the main road and needs an ultra-sound machine.

Next FRIDAY AT THE BRIAR'S (Nov. 28):  NO speaker since day after Thanksgiving. Those who attend will sit in main dining room and order off the menu and pay for what is ordered with a donation from club for the regular luncheon cost.

Elinor Yuter, Reporter
Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter