Thursday, November 13, 2014

BRIARCRIER - 11/7/2014

November 7,  2014 , Friday, 12:15,  The Briar's Restaurant, meeting of the Briarcliff Manor Rotary Club.

                                                                       TODAY IN HISTORY
1962: Elinor Roosevelt died in New York City at age 78.

MEETING LEADER: President Eric Lebenson

PLEDGE:  Eric        SONG: Sy        PRAYER:  Bishop John Herzog

GUEST:  Christine Veit, M.D. , a future Rotarian


HAPPY THOUGHTS: Dr. Bob Maher ($5) said we are richer from the Magic Masters game since he charged our players;  Anne has daughters in Greece and Denmark; Jim re game tonight and hope we make alot of money; Eric ($10) for his son and Magic Masters; Bishop John his daughter passed bar and Christine is happy, and other happy thoughts not correctly recorded.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rotarian Patrick Hermance will be transferred to bank in Charlotte, North Carolina. UN attendence was very successful. Dr. Bob Maher, Treasurer, we have nearly $18,000 but that includes cost of food. Kris is to have a pot luck dinner at his house.

Speaker: Ilia Regini on Health Through Food.

                                                                         SUMMARY OF TALK
Ilia prefers to buy at a Farmer's Market rather than in the food stores because most processed foods are not good for you. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is hidden under various other ingredients. She listed the following foods as preferred; Olive oil, garlic, serrano pepper, onions, celery, crimini mushrooms, lentils, turnips and parsley.  Our Vijaya is a registered nutritionist (Ilia is not) and Vijaya somewhat disagreed with much of what Ilia said saying that Ilia's ideas are radical. Vijaya said that "we should take a balanced approach to our diet".  Anne said something like "If you believe in something it will work for you".

Next FRIDAY AT THE BRIAR'S our speakers will be Eric Lebenson and Mark Seiden on Behavior Profile Analysis.

Elinor Yuter, Reporter
Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter