Thursday, November 13, 2014
Magic Masters 2014 - A RECORD YEAR!! From Pres. Eric Lebenson, Briarcliff Rotary
Hello, all -
I will also give a quick review at the meeting on Friday, but for those of you who are wondering - the Harlem Magic Masters game was a tremendous success!! We had about 350 children and adults in the stands, and the Rotary PROFIT was approximately $5000 (depending on the final $$ amount we collect from the program). Bobby Maher has been doing this game for 21 years, and he doesn’t remember EVER having hit this mark. An AMAZING accomplishment by the Briarcliff Rotary Club!!
More importantly...EVERYBODY there had an incredible time…I have received many calls and emails, and have seen many people “on the street” who thanked us and congratulated us on another wonderful event!! This is truly WONDERFUL for the community!! PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED PICTURES!! (Note: Matty Maher is 6’0’’, to give you an idea of these guys’ height!!)
I know I have had many Happy Thoughts during meetings leading up to the event, but the following people’s help was and is SO appreciated...The event could not have been nearly as successful without:
Bobby Maher…For EVERYTHING he did!! He likes to give others kudos, but he is the true hero here!! There are a million little things that are needed to be arranged every year to make sure this event is successful.
Sean Santiago, Scott Lanoff and sons, Lou Fitzgerald, Linda Urban, Rachel and Tom Leihbacher, Beth Hussein, Anne Cargill, Kris Chittur, Jim Lupfer and Mark Johnson for helping out with the madness at the gate, selling food, and enjoying and supporting our wonderful fundraiser.
Amy & Mark Seiden…For making up the program sign-up sheet.
Jim Lupfer…For getting 300 programs printed for FREE! Helps with the profit!!
All those Rotarians who took ads out in the program including all the Past Presidents who chipped in (or who have promised to do so).
As you can see, as always, it was an amazing TEAM EFFORT...THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!
Warmest Regards,