Friday, June 23, 2017

June 9, 2017 Briar Crier

Friday's Meeting Speaker: The People's Caucus via Larissa Wayne-Paulmeno
Scott will be away (driving campers to Maine) someone please lead the pledge 😉.
For those who have RSVP-ed for the Installation and next year's membership "THANK YOU!"
If you have not responded to Eric or I PLEASE do so ASAP!
Have a great meeting!
Here's the Briarcrier:

1858: President Abraham Lincoln said "A house divided against itself
cannot stand."

MEETING LEADER: President Scott Lanoff + Champagne Toast (via Rachael)

PLEDGE: Scott     SONG: Sy   INSPIRATION: Mark Johnson via St. Francis

GUESTS: John Randazzo (via his father)


TEXT: Elinor with helper Sy

NEXT FRIDAY: The People's Caucus via Larissa Wayne-Paulmeno

ANNOUNCEMENTS: June 30 luncheon is at The Traveler's Rest on Route 100, 25
Saw Mill River Road in Ossining, and Elinor will get a Paul Harris
The Installation Luncheon is paid for already for members + Spouses and
Significant Others = $50 + Guests = $75. 
Per our treasurer, Dr. Bob Maher, we are all set for the rest of the year
Via Rachael, at the Library Friday's film is La La Land, call library for exact time and date.

Eric, there are three Paul Harris Fellowships, Elinor Yuter, NYS Senator
David Carlucci and coach Chris Drosopulos, Eric's/Rachael's toast
Scott is happy to be President, and to have the Guests here
Mark Johnson's grandson is getting married
Michelle to be back and daughter is graduating from high school
Rich re Father's Day
Bishop John to be here
Dr. Bob re Scott and Ossining food pantry
Anne re Robert Burns.

SPEAKER is Marty Engelhardt, who will speak about the Ossining Food
Pantry, He has an elementary (St. Anthony) and high school degrees (from
Fordham Prep) an A.B. from Fordham College, an LL.B. from Fordham Law
School, and an LL.M. in taxation from NYU Law School.
He is the president of the Ossining Food Pantry and is happy to
get-to-gether with our club.  They give out food in bags on Thursday from
6:30 to eight and Friday morning from 10-12 at the Trinity Church in
Ossining,  to needy recipients, and looking for more volunteers,
especially to those recipients who can't leave their homes. He started the
food pantry with his first wife and now has second wife, Jody. He has 10
grand children and gives thanks to the Lord's Program. Every penny donated
helps. They have a budget of $300,000 per year via donations. They
purchase a lot of the fresh food at Food Markets, like Stop and Shop,
where they get a discount. Recipients have to be resident in Ossining or