Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Dec. 12, 2014 Briar Crier


December 12, 2014 at The Briar's Restaurant, 512 N. State Rd. of Briarcliff Manor Rotary Club Meeting


MEETING LEADER: President Eric Lebenson

PLEDGE:                                               SONG: Sy        PRAYER:  Bishop John

ROTARIANS PRESENT AND HAPPY THOUGHTS: 20 Rotarians present. Bishop John, happy Hanukah and Merry  Christmas; Jim is happy; Mark is happy re cookstove project and talk he gave to Ossining Rotary; Ken is happy to be here; Janis Knorris very happy; Lou is happy re Dr. Bob Maher re basketball and film Birdman; Eric re great to be here and his daughter is in Greece; Anne is happy that her nephew has a great job; Paul re he is one of five elected officers of Masons. Other happy thoughts not correctly recorded.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: THURSDAY not Friday meeting.  Ernie, please pick up grapefruits, he wants $100 per Rotarian whether or not they sell grapefruits. Anne still has extra lottery tickets for Elderact at Atria. We will have a social at Captain Lawrence in Elmsford on a Tuesday in March or April, maybe April 20, we pay at door and tip bartenders for beer and wine, all we can drink.


SPEAKERS AND SUBJECT: Janis Knorr and Trish Corrigen on Senior Living

Atria has been in Briarcliff for some four and one-half years and is thankful for the opportunity of Elderact at Atria. They specialize in Senior Living. It is a very restful place like a home with three-meal dining and transportation. Will accept occupants for one month. Costs about 5-9300 per month depending on required facilities. The less the benefits the less the cost. Occupants pay month to month. Janis has a father-in-law there so she knows how good Atria is. Cheaper to stay at home where there are people who love them. It is the next best option for all senior citizens. After they are no longer OK at Atria they are sent to the next best place. To get in need to be able to walk with walker and feed themselves. 

This THURSDAY NOT FRIDAY  at The Briar's:  Bill Melnychuk on Electric Generators

Elinor Yuter, Reporter
Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter