Thursday, February 6, 2014

Jana 31, 2014 Briar Crier

 Jan. 31, 2014, Friday, 12:15, The Briar's Restaurant, Briarcliff Manor Rotary Club.

                                            TODAY IN HISTORY
1813: The novel "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen first published in London.

MEETING LEADER: President Anne Cargill

PLEDGE: Anne Cargill      PATRIOTIC SONG: Sy Yuter      PRAYER: Rev. Lee Carrozzi

HAPPY THOUGHTS: Anne, can drive again;  Beth Hussain, is glad to be back though many family problems.  Other happy thoughts, especially by Dr. Bob Maher,  but not correctly recorded.

ROTARIANS PRESENT AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: 22 Rotarians present. Rev. Lee Carrozzi re four Army Chaplains -- Rabbi, Catholic Priest and Two Protestants-- held hands after performing their tasks as torpedoed ship went down. Rachel and Kris re our club's Health and Awareness presentation Thursday Feb. 13 at 6:30 pm at Library re An Athlete's Guide to a Healthy Spine. Dr. Surendra Kaushik re Vision World award, especially for building college in India.

GUEST: Marshall Asche, guest of Dr. Bob Maher.

SPEAKER AND SUBJECT:  Ms. Vijaya Jain re Global Malnutrion.

                                                         SUMMARY OF TALK
This very informative talk was well received and held the attention of all Rotarians. The most critical age for children is two. Without vitamins, nutrients and enough food, children can have stunted growth, early blindness, lower IQ and even death. Most only get a good meal at lunch at school. Vijaya projected on our screen world hunger maps, especially in India as well as Honduras and other parts of Central America. She spoke of successful food solutions to reduce malnutrition and hunger. Knowledge by school staffs can help. Hidden hunger of millions of people world wide exists.

This Friday, tomorrow, the speaker will be Vivian Holmes on How to Retain Your Hearing.
Elinor Yuter, Reporter
Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter