Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 22, 2013 Briar Crier

February 22, 2013, The Briar's Restaurant, North State Road, Briarcliff Manor, NY 
Briarcliff Manor Rotary Club

                                                             TODAY IN HISTORY

1792: President George Washington signed an act creating the U.S. Post Office

MEETING LEADER – President Kris Chittur

PLEDGE – Sy Yuter                SONG – Sy Yuter                    PRAYER – Bishop John

HAPPY THOUGHTS – Etrusca for Dr. Jain (a future Rotarian); Rachel, the Fire Department is 86 years old and William Sharman a 76-year member; Kris for the future Vision Seminar

GUESTS – Dr. Vijay Jain, Russ Gilmore, Marshall Ache, Carol Ryan and Jordan Fuchs.

ANNOUNCEMENTS – 16 Rotarians present.  

SPEAKER AND SUBJECT – Anne Cargill on Survival From Trauma

                                                             Summary of Talk

Anne displayed a photo of her son, David, who was killed on the West Side Highway by Manhattan gang members. She believes one should not drink and drive. She was so traumatized by her son's death that she no longer believed in God and now attends Ethical Culture meetings. She found herself denying that he was gone. No priest visited her. She went to a psychic who said her son would reappear to her as a bird, a Cardinal. She eventually emerged from the trauma after reading a book "Search for Needing." She said one should chose to be happy rather than sad. She repeated two poems, one ending "I am the captain of my soul."

Friday Meeting –  Commercial Broadcasts -- Jeffrey Pennington

Elinor Yuter, Reporter
Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter