Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 15, 2013 Briar Crier


February 15, 2013, The Briar's Restaurant, North State Road, Briarcliff Manor, NY 
Briarcliff Manor Rotary Club


1913 – The Teddy Bear was first mentioned by President Teddy Roosevelt.

MEETING LEADER – President Kris Chittur

PLEDGE – Sy Yuter                SONG – Sy Yuter                   PRAYER – Bishop John

HAPPY THOUGHTS – Eric L for upcoming trip to Dominican Republic sans children and for his friend Jeff Taylor joining our Rotary club; Paul Rosen for the giving of dictionaries to third graders; Bob M for his son getting a new job with triple the salary.

GUESTS – Janet Walsh, Tom Riley, Viktor Solarik

ANNOUNCEMENTS – 20 Rotarians present.  Movie being filmed this past week on North State Road.

ROTARY NEWS – Elderact induction was held on Monday at the Atria Senior Living in Briarcliff

SPEAKER AND SUBJECT – Janet Walsh, Tom Riley and Viktor Solarik – Rotary Friendship Exchange trip to Bangladore

Kris arranged the presentation. India is the largest democracy in the world. The Rotarians who took the Friendship Exchange trip learned that people all over the world are similar. During the trip they were shown that there is a global side where there is international activity and there is a cultural side and a political side. It was an eye opening experience. The cultural side was especially interesting. Cows are sacred and revered by all.  The Indian people are by nature very giving and generous. Indian coffee is especially delicious. American Rotarians were invited to stay at the homes of hosts and felt they knew the country and its inhabitants. The Indian people opened their hearts to strangers.  Very beautiful pictures and stories from the experience of our three guests. 

Friday – Anne Cargill – Survival From Trauma

Elinor Yuter, Reporter
Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter