Thursday, October 11, 2012

October 5, 2012 Briar Crier


October 5, 2012 at The Briars Restaurant, Briarcliff Manor NY Rotary Club


1863 – President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day.

MEETING LEADER  – President Kris Chittur

PLEDGE -  Sy Yuter     PATRIOTIC SONG – Sy Yuter      INVOCATION –  Dean Dykeman

HAPPY THOUGHTS – Frances Chu – a perfect example of speaker's help – her life saver.  Zen – Dean picked him up.

GUESTS – none

ANNOUNCEMENTS – 19 Rotarians present. 

SPEAKER AND SUBJECT – Debbie Okoniewski – Coronary Artery Disease

Summary of Talk

Our speaker’s guide dealt with controlling cholesterol and why high levels contribute to increased risk of heart disease.  High levels of cholesterol in the blood contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, which is the building up of fatty deposits in the arteries. 
The result may be chest pain (angina) or a heart attack.  Cholesterol is manufactured by the body and is supplied by fatty meats, egg yolks and many other foods.  They are solid in room temperature.  Unsaturated fats, oily at room temperature, help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.  They consist of oils like peanut oil, olive oil, soy bean, safflower, sunflower and cotton seed oil, especially fish is a good example.  On average, Americans eat six to eight tablespoons of fat a day.  Smoking is on the rise, especially in young women.  If diet does not lower cholesterol, medication may be prescribed.  In addition, people should exercise, vigorously if possible, and stop smoking.

Friday – New Generation -- David Del Monte, District Governor Nominee

Elinor Yuter, Reporter
Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter