Friday, October 26, 2012

Oct. 19, 2012 Briar Crier

October 19, 2012 at Briars Restaurant, Briarcliff Manor NY ROTARY CLUB


Meeting Leader – President Kris Chittur

PLEDGE -  Kris Chittur  PATRIOTIC SONG – Kris Chittur  INVOCATION –  Rev. Lee

HAPPY THOUGHTS – Rod (nor happy) Yankees lost but happy daughter is visiting from Peru, Ken – saw son in Japan, Mark – happy to be here, Bishop John happy for Dean helping his friend with wood, Bob Maher – donations from Zach for science program and grandchild is 12 days old, Ann – granddaughter married, 12 bridesmaids and bride wore her cowboy boots, Kris – Yankees lost, Dean – going to see his daughter in Ohio

Rotary Minute – District organization meeting October 27th, chance to meet leadership for the district and it is free.

GUESTS – none

ANNOUNCEMENTS – Briarcliff Manor Fire Department will be holding it’s annual inspection on Saturday, October 20 2012 beginning a 6 pm. Construction taking place on North State Road for the soon to be new Veterinarian Hospital. Magic Masters is in two weeks.  Still need volunteers to sell tickets at the Todd School Book Fair as well as the night of the event.

SPEAKER AND SUBJECT – Mike Scova – Green Mountain Energy

Green Mountain Energy was started in 1997 in Vermont.  Save the planet is the goal and to change the way power is made.  In 1992 the Energy Power Act was passed to de-regulation and allow people to buy other energy suppliers trying to drop prices. Con Ed prices vary every day.  There are now 40 – 50 suppliers to buy energy from in New York.  There is a tax break for going through another supplier.  Green Mountain is the only one to use renewable energy.  10% is from wind and 90% is hydro.  Our speaker presented many energy saving tips and gave an informative handout which is available to anyone who missed our meeting.

Next Week -

Elinor Yuter, Reporter
Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter