Thursday, August 23, 2012

Aug. 17, 2012 Briar Crier


August 17, 2012, Friday 12:00, Briar's Restaurant, North State Road, Briarcliff Manor NY Rotary Club

1932: The British Broadcasting Corp conducted its first experimental television broadcast
MEETING LEADER – President Kris. Chittur

PLEDGE – Sy Yuter            PATRIOTIC SONG – Sy Yuter            Prayer – Bishop John

HAPPY THOUGHTS AND BUCKS– Eric, new puppy and his upcoming trip to his favorite place, Nantucket;  Anne Cargill - new job selling 50-50 tickets. Several members may travel to Israel under a Rotary Friendship Exchange.

ANNOUNCEMENTS –  Book sale coming up at the Library

GUESTS – None.  16 Rotarians present

SPEAKER AND SUBJECT – Helen Tang – Cambodia Today


Helen Tang traveled extensively and was born in Malaysia.  She went to Singapore, Scotland, Turkey, England and nearby New York.  She eagerly awaits her next adventure.  She is a Nurse Midwife and now an RN in nursing homes and other types of home care.  She relates to the object of Rotary as Rotarians helped a family she was caring for and gets the same good feeling during her nursing jobs.  Cambodia is in Southeastern Asia, west of South Vietnam and she had many fascinating pictures of this area.

Next week:  Traffic Safety – Anna Wyganowska
      She is a traffic safety educator, working for the Traffic Safety Program at the Westchester County Department of Public Works and Transportation. The program promotes safe behaviors while driving, walking and biking.
     For the past seven years she has been conducting traffic safety educational programs and passionately promoting driving behavior change needed to save lives. She believes that we need to admit that traffic accidents don't just happen; they are generally caused by one driver or another committing an unsafe act that leads to a crash.
     Anna holds Master's degrees in English and in Psychology. Before she committed herself to traffic safety, she was a college level teacher, both in her native Poland and in the Unites States. She relies on 5 am runs to keep her life balanced.

Elinor Yuter, Reporter
Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter