Thursday, October 27, 2016
OCTOBER 21, 2016 Briar Crier
1959: The Soloman Gugenheim museum opens to public. It was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
MEETING LEADER; President Scott Lanoff
PLEDGE; Scott SONG; Sy PRAYER: Dr. Bob Maher
ROTARIANS PRESENT: 13 (It was raining)
GUEST; Stephanie Lynn (via Scott. She will become a member of Ossining
Anne ($5) is very happy with two great grandchildren Eric ($6) got food poisoning so do not eat anchovies plus Magic Masters Stephanie is happy she is here Holly (our speaker) is thankful she was invited to speak Mark S. his son had first interview at Syracuse medical school Rich Z. is sitting next to Elinor Stan, don't forget about open school Dr. Bob Maher now has two grandchildren Scott ($5) had a trip to Washington and went to a breakfast of the New York Rotary and enjoyed speaker.
TEXT Elinor with helper Sy
NEXT Friday we should have Shiela Summer re museums.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Via Stephanie re the Sing Sing Swing. For $125 have a four hour cruise (board around 3:30pm) plus free lunch and dinner (from famous chef)plus a free drink. On November 4 we have the Magic Masters basketball team to play our team at the Briarcliff high school gym around 7;00pm. We need volunteers to be at high school around 6:30. Eric has posters.
SPEAKER is Holly Benedict on hospices. She went to elementary and high schools in what was then North Tarrytown. She has a B.S. in elementary education from Washington University and taught the first grade in Briarcliff.
She is active in the White Plains hospice of Westchester which at no cost to patient will visit and help patient and family but you still need a caregiver for patient. Call 914-682-1484 for services. She is the Director, Public Affairs and Development. They have 65 workers. There are four hospices in Westchester, and will find one in Florida, but they have no facilities. Their work is covered by Medicare but need a Drs prescription that will die within six months, normally from cancer.
We meet every Friday at The Briar's restaurant on North State Road around
12:15 for lunch and the speaker. For more details call 914-762-0111.