1940. Winston Churchill, prime minister of the UK, said: "I have nothing
to offer but blood, sweat and tears."
Ken: is happy to be back and his grandson in Japan is now two years in age.
Vic is happy re Scott's son's Bar Mitzvah
Sean re the two speakers and softball game this 23rd at 3:30
Scott; Mother's day, last Friday, was very successful
Dr. Bob ($10) that Stan is here, and Ken is back
Carl, he keeps coming back
Rebecca (one of two speakers), re her mother-in-law and church services
Bishop John re museum of art
SPEAKERS. We had two on banking. First was Rebecca, who went to elementary
and high school in NYC and then majored in Finance at Manhattan Community
College. And Charles Dumas, a loan officer, at Tompkins Bank, branch in
Ossining, with Rebecca, an assistant vice president. Hewento elementary
school and high school in Tuckahoe with B.S. in Business Affairs from
Univ. of Arizona.
Tompkins has been a bank since 1836. It now has $63 or so billion with
four branches in Hudson Valley and one in Penn. It has been profitable all
this time. The millennials are the biggest depositors. Defined millennia as
born from 1981-2000, but most live with parents at home since, with loans
re college, cannot afford their own apartments although they have
children. Mostly, bank mortgages and do NOT sell them. The millennials look
at Internet and are interested in world affairs.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Via Rachel is May 30 Memorial Day parade (Elinor and Sy
will be coming back from Cornell so will not be at parade).
TEXT: Via Elinor with Sy as helper.
Next Friday is on the "Open Door" by Lindsay Ferrell.