Thursday, October 23, 2014

BRIERCRIER - 10/17/2014

Friday noon, October 17, 2014, at the restaurant The Briar's of the meeting of the Briarcliff Manor Rotary Club.
                                                                     TODAY IN HISTORY
1933: Albert Einstein arrived in U.S. as a refugee from Germany.

MEETING LEADER: President Eric Lebenson.

PLEDGE:  Kris                      SONG:   Sy                                  PRAYER: Bishop John

GUEST: Colin Halbach (Bishop John's grandson)

ROTARIANS PRESENT: 20. Welcome back Linda Urban and Shelly Lotter now a member.

HAPPY THOUGHTS: Anne is happy about one of her daughters; Richard, his daughter graduated from cosmetology school; Eric is worried about our related clubs in Bermuda's hurricane; Bishop John is happy his grandson is here. Other happy thoughts not properly recorded.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Don't forget Magic Master's basketball game on Friday, Nov. 7 at 6:30 at BHS gym. We need more ads for the related journal. Via Dr. Maher, our treasury ok, about $18,000+. Our Board said OK for Kris to be District Governor in 2018. Rachel said that tomorrow was Fire Dep't's inspection.

SPEAKER AND SUBJECT: Tom Stebbins on Law Suit Reform.
 Photos by Zachary Cosentino 

                                                                                     SUMMARY OF TALK
Tom believes that there are many law suits OK'd by New York State that should not be authorized.  Many are class actions like the Red Bull $13 million settlement where the lawyers got $4.7 million. The Buffalo Bills got sued for sending too many texts.  Fire Fighters were sued by homeowner for damaging a house in a non-fire call. Usually, the insurance companies pay rather than litigate bad cases. OBGYN insurance about $280,000 a year.

NEXT FRIDAY (Tomorrow) TALK:  District Governor David Del Monte on Rotary.

Elinor Yuter, Reporter

Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter