Thursday, September 18, 2014

September 12, 2014

Friday noon, September 12, 2014, at the restaurant The Briar's of the meeting of the Briarcliff Manor Rotary Club.
                                                                                    TODAY IN HISTORY
1953: John F. Kennedy married Jaqueline Lee Bouvier in Newport, Rhode Island.

MEETING LEADER: President Eric Lebenson.

PLEDGE:  Ernie                        SONG:   Sy                                  PRAYER: Bishop John

GUEST: Marshall Asche a guest of  Dr. Bob M.


HAPPY THOUGHTS: Anne drove to Maine; Eric is happy to be back and awaits results from biopsies; Dr. Bob Maher is happy that he has a guest; Dr. Bob A. wll go to meeting of bylaws update committee; Scott, last night was well attended; Mark J. is happy; Frances had a happy thought. Other happy thoughts not properly recorded.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Community day was had on Sunday September 14 and we are awaiting financial results from Ernie. We had boiled frankfurters for sale at $2 each, and ran out. There will be a bylaws committee meeting at Mark S. offices. Attending are Mark S., Paul , Sy and Dr. Bob A.

SPEAKER AND SUBJECT: Dr. Bob Maher on Ray Rice's career and how one bad decision can alter your life forever.

                                                                                     SUMMARY OF TALK
Consider each decision one makes and think of consequences. Ray Rice, from New Rochelle,  had an altercation in an elevator with his fiance, whom he married and she supported him. A Baltimore running back was out of first game.  Be careful of domestic violence and child abuse when trying to teach child the proper way to behave.

NEXT FRIDAY (Tomorrow) TALK:  Evolution by Dr. William Fairmont

Elinor Yuter, Reporter
Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter