Thursday, January 23, 2014

Jan 17, 2014 Briar Crier

 Jan. 17, 2014, Friday, 12:15, The Briar's Restaurant, Briarcliff Manor Rotary Club.

                                                           TODAY IN HISTORY
1547: Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible) was crowned Czar.

MEETING LEADER: President Anne Cargill

PLEDGE: Anne Cargill      PATRIOTIC SONG: Sy Yuter      PRAYER: Rev. Lee Carrozzi

HAPPY THOUGHTS: Kris is happy to be back from India; Eric, Briarcliff High School has excellent learning disabled program. Other happy thoughts but not correctly recorded.

ROTARIANS PRESENT AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: 18 Rotarians present. Kris bought at much lower prices Rotary shirts and caps. Briarcliff does not have learning disabled programs for kids who have not reached high school.


SPEAKER AND SUBJECT:  Colleen Wagner, a member of Pleasantville Rotary and a trustee for two years, on a VIP special needs program.

                                                             SUMMARY OF TALK
Most of the special needs children, from three to 18, come from the Pleasantville school district. She started program around seven years ago, playing soccer. Went from three kids to now about 55. These children are main streamed. They do not have to go to an out-of-town special needs school. They are in their local community, not in another community. Some are autistic and do not speak. Autistic children do not respond to questions but respond to their names. Their fears, food allergies and more are taken into consideration. Making them feel comfortable is most important. For teens there is a Friday night program.  They play games like table tennis. One of the most interesting aspects of the program is how some of the parents react when they see their children with their children's peer group. After 18 until 21 she has an arrangement with Pace University.

On Friday, January 24, the speakers, Jan Wagner and Karen Smith, will speak about the Briarcliff Historical Society.
They may have an intern speak about the 1908 race, which started and ended in Briarcliff.

Elinor Yuter, Reporter
Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter