Thursday, December 12, 2013

Dec. 6, 2013 Briar Crier

 Dec. 6, Friday, 12:15, The Briar's Restaurant, Briarcliff Manor Rotary Club.

                                                                            TODAY IN HISTORY
1790: Congress moved to Philadelphia from New York City.

MEETING LEADER: President Anne Cargill

PLEDGE: Anne Cargill      SONG: Sy Yuter      PRAYER: Paul Rosen

HAPPY THOUGHTS: Sy, sent to Brian Lehrer talk show a summary of his distant cousin, Dr. Percy Yutar of South Africa, who was the state's prosecutor of Nelson Mandela and who said he saved Mandela's life by charging him only with the life-conviction of sabotage rather than the hanging-conviction of treason; Eric, that Mike Risko donated the mike and amplifier for use at the Saturday Auction at Briarcliff Library.  Other happy thoughts but not correctly recorded.

ROTARIAN PRESENT AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: 22 Rotarians present. Ernie, grapefruits will be in and each member responsible for at least five cartons.


SPEAKER AND SUBJECT: Patrick Raftery on Westchester Cemeteries.

                                                                             SUMMARY OF TALK
Patrick is the historian for the Westchester County Historical Society. The earliest cemetery in Westchester was  created in the 1600s when there were few residents of county. Early on, mostly with morbid thoughts and represented by embedded rocks. Fire and brimstone were reminders of mortality. Later on, positive ideas of going to heaven became popular. An early burial site was St. Paul's Church in now Sleepy Hollow, where the Dutch settled. Then the cemetery at St. Peter's Church in Mount Vernon. Tombstones were carved in sand stone which deteriorated with rain. Today, granite is more popular. Headstones and footstones gave dates of  birth and death. Sometimes the time of death was reported. Words were not always spelled correctly. Family cemetery plots were popular but families moved away and no one took care of the grave sites. Children's tombstones of all religions tend to show lambs and angels. There is a small Jewish cemetery in Mount Vernon. Candelabra's were carved into the stones. The Frenchman known locally as "The Leatherman" was buried in the Sparta Cemetery in Ossining. In Ferncliff is Judy Garland, Lou Gehrig and Babe Ruth. Gravesite genealogy is popular with many looking for birth and death dates. The deceased from the Ossining Prison were buried nearby if the relatives did not pick up their bodies. The gravesite was later moved and only shoes remained.

This Friday,  Bill Sharman on Old Briarcliff.

Elinor Yuter, Reporter
Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter