Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Aug. 8, 2013 Briar Crier

August 9,  2013 – Friday 12:15, The Briar's Restaurant, Briarcliff Manor Rotary Club


1815: Napoleon Bonaparte set sail for St. Helena to spend the remainder of his days in exile.

MEETING LEADER – Past President Kris Chittur

PLEDGE – Sy Yuter          PATRIOTIC SONG – Sy Yuter            PRAYER – Bishop John

HAPPY THOUGHTS AND BUCKS:  Scott, his sons left home for camp on an island in Maine; Bishop John is happy by being a member of the Briarcliff Rotary Club.

GUEST: Prospective member Lou Fitzgerald

ROTARIANS PRESENT AND ANNOUNCEMENT - 16 Rotarians present. Dr. Surrendra Kaushik's wife is in a hospice.

SPEAKER AND SUBJECT – Dr. Ken Shimazu on Witnessing the Birth of New Technologies

Due to a faulty projector Dr. Shimazu's talk will be repeated on September 6, this time with a projector that works. Anyway, his four technologies are the airplane (Wright Brothers), the Xerox copier, the IBM personal computer and the three-D copier, the latter with surprising future possible uses.

This Friday at The Briar's Restaurant --  Japanese Folk Music by Toshi Shamimaster

Elinor Yuter, Reporter
Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter