Sunday, April 22, 2012
April 20, 2012 Briar Crier
April 20, 2012, 12:15 at The Briar's Restaurant, Briarcliff Manor NY Rotary Club
1864: Congress authorized the use of the phrase "In God We Trust" on U.S. coins.
MEETING LEADER – President Elect Kris Chittur
PLEDGE - Peter Garth PATRIOTIC SONG – Peter Garth PRAYER – Rod Ertischek
HAPPY THOUGHTS: Ann – got an IPOD tablet; Keith Safian - happy to be here again; Ken – happy to have visited a unique museum recently; Kris – happy for his photos of his trip to Texas.
GUESTS: Visiting Rotarian Tom Laurenson
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rachel - Saturday 21st there will be a blood drive held at the Briarcliff Manor Fire Dept from 9 – 3 and 12 – 4. There will be an open house at the Fire Department as far as countywide volunteer recruitment day with tours of the department and apparatus.
ROTARY MINUTE: Peter Garth – 25 years ago Rotary was all male members. Now there are 16% female internationally, 80% of clubs now have women members and there are 72 woman District Governors.
SPEAKER AND SUBJECT – Keith Safian, CEO Phelps Memorial Hospital, 2011 Overview
Phelps is a community and tertiary medical facility. As of last year the budget was at a high of 200 million dollars. Their MD staff has increased from 189 to 457 physicians. They have 50 pediatricians with affiliation to WMC Maria Ferrari Children’s Hospital. They have built Kendall on Hudson, independent living facility with many services provided. As of July 1, 2012 Phelps will be an official teaching hospital. They now have medical student training and six medical residents. They are in there best financial position ever. Additions and upgrade include a new ER, new Maternity ward, new Dobbs Ferry Center. They offer: Largest Hyperbaric chamber, Pulmonary Rehab, Pain Center, 1st to perform surgery for artificial spine disc, Geriatrics center, Affiliation with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer center, a new lobby, Hospice care, voice and swallowing center and much more. We are minutes from one of the best medical facilities in the state.
NEXT WEEK – Patricia Gaston – Alzheimer’s Overview