Thursday, August 25, 2011
Aug. 19, 2011 Briar Crier
August 19, 2011, Friday at 12:00, former Briarcliff Rec Dept, Briarcliff Manor NY Rotary Club
1882: Tchaikovsky’s overture had its premiere in Moscow.
PLEDGE - Sy Yuter PATRIOTIC SONG – Sy Yuter PRAYER – Ken Shimazu
HAPPY THOUGHTS: Zen – happy to be back and Doris doing well with physical therapy; Rod – family wedding; Kris – membership list completed, log into website and update and read news.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: August 26th is the last Rotary meeting at the Rec Center and September 2nd Rotary will begin meeting at the Briars Restaurant. Community Day is September 10th. Rachel – there will be a blood drive at the Fire House on August 31st from 3 – 7:30; blood supply in Hudson Valley is dangerously low.
SPEAKER AND SUBJECT – Dr. Ken Shimazu – Tsunami update
Ken has been a member of our club for 25 years. He said he has always had a strong fear of earthquakes. There is an anti-nuclear generation sentiment in Japan. After the disaster, there was a shortage of electric power throughout the country. They did have disaster preparedness but many of the old houses are made of wood. There is a strong building code for new concrete buildings. The Japanese have a history of photographing their families, their surroundings and before and after shots. People collected picture albums from the debris. They strongly revere their ancestors. Japan has one half of the population of the United States but live in a small area. The Rotary Clubs in Japan are meeting again except for the Fukushima clubs near the damaged reactor.
Elinor Yuter, Reporter
Rachel Leihbacher, Expediter