1865: The Statue of Liberty arrived in the New York Harbor aboard a French
MEETING LEADER: President Scott Lanoff
GUEST: Justin Kim (via Eric)
Scott, Thanks to Mark Seiden for his $contribution and for coming, and a
friend has terminal cancer
Dr. Bob Maher, ($10) his son got married last year, plus details re dinner
of June 24 (next Friday) Installation Gala by Scott
Eric, ($20) (Bob Maher) did a wonderful job at Captain Lawrence's Elmsford
Brewery on June 14 in the evening, the club netted between $1000-1500,
plus the fellowship there, he has a guest (Justin Kim) from Bronxville, he
is unhappy that Pocantico lost a favored administrator, his daughter went to Pocantico school
Anne is happy to be a great grandmother, which includes three
grandchildren, one boy and two girls - triplets, they just graduated from high school
Rich is happy
Bishop John is happy about this wonderful country
Rachel re 1.5 km run. We will have the Installation Gala next Friday, come
at 3pm for dinner and appetizers and cocktails, Installation Dinner
already paid for, Guests at $50 each, do NOT come at 12:15 on Friday since
there will be no meeting in regular room, we will meet for Installation
Gala in regular room, Paul Rosen will attend.
SPEAKER, Richard Blank, Esquire,
He went to elementary and high school in
Yonkers, then earned a BS. in chemistry and biology at Albany State, then
finished at Pace University in White Plains with a Juris Doctor degree.
He is with a small firm and specializes in intellectual property which
includes patents, trademarks and copyrights, mostly re software, which he
did prior to being a lawyer. He was active as a lawyer in a case against
Disney. The U.S. government does not understand intellectual property. See
the Alice case in the U.S. Supreme Court. Has to be done physically. A
patent application involves a long and expensive process. In China, the
dictatorship is quick to enforce a patent held valid, but not the U.S. Re
drugs, normally a long period of testing, then file but now first to file.
Einstein said invention is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration.
We normally meet at The Briar's restaurant on North State Road around
12:15 (except this Friday, when we meet at 3PM for Installation Gala). For
more details call 914-762-0111
TEXT: Elinor with Sy as helper