Thursday, February 25, 2016

Feb. 19, 2016 Briar Crier


                               THIS DAY IN HISTORY
1942: President Franklin Roosevelt signed an executive order that all
Japanese living on the west coast would be interred.

MEETING LEADER: Secretary Anne Cargill (Scott with wife was in the Virgin

PLEDGE: Anne   SONG: Sy    PRAYER: Dr. Bob Maher



Maher ($5) He is looking forward to hearing, and happy two weeks in a row
RICH re his vacation which he defines
ANNE every night beginning is getting lighter and later
MARK J he lost then found his money in the garbage
REBECCA had a great weekend weather wise

SPEAKER on hardships is Mathew Gulotta, an Ossining Rotarian. He has
elementary and high school in SleepyHollow, then part time at University
of Portland and New York State University for a total of three years.

                          SUMMARY OF TALK

He spoke on work that his web site, Gullota House, has done in helping
others. Very impressive. He helped many.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Nothing new in Briarcliff says Rachel, but her husband Tom
wants to be a speaker. Anne re ethical culture and right to choose.

THIS FRIDAY is Nathan Feist on the Stone Lanterns at the Church in
Briarcliff, that is the Congregational Church. When established by Walter
Law there were no Congregationalists in village but had no superior.

TEXT, Elinor, HELPER, Sy

Friday, February 12, 2016

Feb. 5, 2016 Briar Crier



1929: A Treaty was signed recognizing the independence and sovereignty of
The Vatican City.

MEETING LEADER: President Scott Lanoff


ROTARIANS PRESENT: 17 (which is a lot since this seemed to be snow time).

PLEDGE: Scott   SONG: Sy   PRAYER: Bishop John

Beth: her boys are home
Maher ($5) Hopes betting (on Superbowl football game) is OK
Bishop John, this is 100 years that Bea started a club
Anne: re fundraisers, and lost relations in World War I
Eric: "good bye" means "God be with you, bye" and Broncos
Rich: re extra prayer for Bishop John
Marty (our speaker): is leaving for South Carolina
Scott: Spent one day (and night) in Florida to attend birthday party. He
will provide speaker for Friday (tomorrow).

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Victor will contact Marilyn who is scheduled to be a speaker.

SPEAKER: Marty Ketels on Normandy during World War II. He has his
elementary and high school attendance in California with a BA from Oregon
in Journalism and an MA from Stanford in Communications.

                            SUMMARY OF TALK
He served in US Army but it was not a big deal since it was near to where
he grew up in California. Omaha Beach is very long. A division of
mountaineers scaled the heights (and beat the Nazis). There is an
interesting museum there. He and his wife then went to the Louvre, where
he was not allowed to take pictures.  He and his wife also visited
Versailles. It was a life changing experience. He is a past member of

TEXT: Elinor, with helper Sy.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Jan. 29 2016 Briar Crier


                             THIS DAY IN HISTORY
1973: A ceasefire went into effect in the Vietnam War.

MEETING LEADER: President Scott Lanoff

PLEDGE: Scott    SONG: Sy, PRAYER: Anne, reading from Robert Byrnes, who
                                       was a Scottish Bard who wrote Auld
                                       Lang Syne.

GUESTS: Amir Asadi from Bronx Rotary, Chris Vernia (via Scott) and Mindy

Bob Maher ($10) for Stan Thompson featuring an interact club at St.
Scott, Bishop John is back
Bishop John is happy to be back
Anne, happy for Amir
Amir is visiting all clubs in his area
Kris for Amir
Eric via Scott, please sell more boxes

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Scott is going to Ft. Lauderdale with wife for one day to
attend a birthday party and the President Elect of International Rotary is
John Germ; Rachel, the Caucus has picked new candidates

SPEAKER: Stefanie Schwartz re Heart Food, has elementary and high school
degrees from Chappaqua system and BS from Hunter in exercise physiology
and MS in clinical nutrition.

                           SUMMARY OF TALK
Like Mediterranean diet which is mostly vegetables.  Dislikes all white
carbohydrates which are converted to sugar.  Go easy on red meat. 1% milk
is OK as is wild Salmon and dark chocolate.

TEXT: Elinor via Sy, helper