Friday, December 18, 2015

Dec. 11, 2015 Briar Crier

Briercrier for Dec. 11
This Day in History:
1845: The first large earthquake, 7.7, in Missisippy Valley.

Meeting Leader: President Scott Lanoff.

Pledge: Scott  Song: Sy   Prayer: Dr. Vic and Bishop John

Guests: Ralph Herrara, Frank Curlo Bick and Dara Caputo (all from St.
Chrisopher's via Dr. Bob Maher)

Rotarians Present: 18

Happy Thoughts
Carl ($10) for club, international service, fire department and way to
serve community
Eric ($10) re speaker and basketball BHS vs. Clark Academy plus other
Rich has brother from Maine for hannukah
Dr. Bob ($10) half of his top staff here
Anne, her daughter is in County jail on drug charge and her son was
      killed in a car crash by drugged driver
Etrusca is happy that no snow
Antonia is happy to be here
Kris re the meeting and future plan for club fund raiser
Mark J is happy, especially for lunch and prior cooking on African open fires
Francis re fellowship and teamwork
Sy re getting speakers and Service Above Self and 26 years perfect attendance
Scott that Ken still in Japan and Bob Berson former speaker was great
Vic that no snow
Mark S. ($10) still in Real Estate business, his joy, and we all get along
with each other
Elinor enjoys writing Briercrier and finding This Day in History and six
years of perfect attendance because goes with Sy
Bishop will win this week (he did not).

Scott may have next meeting at his house, Ernie re grapefruits (now $25 a
case and pick up at old Rec. Bldg. Scott, the next week we vote for DG for
Kris. Re grapefruits, call Ernie at 845-878-7001

NO meeting at The Briar's on Friday. Instead will be at Scott's house on
23 Firetree(go north toward The Briar's but first make right on Chappaqua
Road and then right into development. He will serve lunch (from Stu
Leonards) and vote re Kris being DG. Speaker will be Carol Christiansen
and friend re drugs.

Today's Speaker (Dec 18) re Rotary via members. Next week, the 25th, NO
MEETING since it is Christmas day.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Dec. 4, 2015 Briar Crier

This Day in History:
1925: George Gershwin, with him at the piano, introduced his Concerto F at
New York's Carnegie Hall.

Meeting Leader: President Scott Lanoff

Pledge: Scott   Song: Sy    Prayer: Dr. Bob Berson (our speaker)

Rotarians Present: 20

Happy Thoughts
Eric ($10) happy re Super Bowl (all participants please contact him),
     re Therapy for Children With Disabilities and had many for
     Thanksgiving Dinner.
Sean: happy for vets at Montrose and he will be supplying underclothes
      to them and club should help.
Anne is happy re speaker
Victor is happy.

Speaker: Dr. Bob Berson on Ethical Culture. He has doctorates from
a number of universities including two D.EDs and one PH.D., and was raised
in Philadelphia where he went to elementary and high schools and ethical
culture school.

                         Summary of Talk
Ethical Culture emphasizes humanities and golden rule. Started in 1876 by
a Jewish Rabbi. They built a Settlement House, a crippled children's
hospital and summer camps. He is authorized by State of New York to
perform marriages and other religious events. They have members from all

Next Friday will have a talk on Rotary by a speaker whom Scott will get.

Text, Elinor; Helper, Sy

We meet at The Briar's Restaurant every Friday at around 12:15 unless it is
a national holiday like Christmas and New Year's days, which fall on