1789: Benjamin Franklin wrote that there are only two things certain;
death and taxes.
Meeting Leader: President Scott Lanoff
Pledge: Scott Song: Sy Prayer Bishop John
GUESTS: Michael F. Rudolph, DDS (via Vic), Rebecca Polanco (via Mahopac
bank and future member), Laura Bacanelli (via Scott), Stanley Thompson
(via Dr. Maher and future member).
Anne that her 98-year-old aunt passed and left her some money and success
at Atria
Kris re need to publicize 12/2 scholarships to BHS seniors and Division
meeting in Bermuda
Bishop John is happy that his son-in-law passed the bar
Dr. Maher that Eric is joining St. Christophers
Eric ($20) that he is joining St. Christophers and he is still a realtor
Scott & Rachael & Tom Leihbacher ($10) re: Magic Masters on Nov. 6 evening and UN Event was outstanding
Michael re his son
Daniel (our speaker) is just happy
Rebecca is happy
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dr. Ruth Wertheimer is speaking at the CSI Synagogue
(and we made more than $4000 at the Magic Masters event)
SPEAKER: Daniel Blum, CEO of Phelps Memorial Hospital in Sleepy Hollow. He
went to elementary and high school in New York City. Then got a B.A. in
philosophy and M.A. in health care administration at NYU.
He was a paramedic in NYC. His hospital is taking care of people. He has
already spoken to a Rotary Club. The cost of care is now consolidated with
the North Shore Long Island Jewish Hospital which is the largest employer
is NYS. He employs over 53,000 people with a not-for-profit budget.
SPEAKER ON FRIDAY IS Nanette Stone who will speak on Creativity and have
her new book with her.
TEXT is Elinor, Helper is Sy
We meet at The Briars Restaurant every Friday around 12:15.